Professional Trainer - Staff Development of New England
Elder Lecture Series of New England
Vision Beyond Survival- Outpatient Practice
Federal Bureau of Prisons, Clinical Group Facilitator.Community Resources for Justice-Boston
Turning Point Inc. – Outpatient clinician 2003 – 2006
Link House/Essex County Sheriff's Dept. – Clinician/Administrator 2000-2002
Dept. of Health & Human Services – Federal Government – Research Data Collection- 1999
The Counseling and Psychotherapy Center, Sex Offender Clinician, Needham, MA 1997-2000
Outpatient with male and female perpetrators
Court Researcher, Pinkerton/ Choice Point Co. Charlotte, NC - 2000 - 2002
Team Coordinating Agency, Inc., Clinical Supervisor (Consulting), Haverhill, MA
Social Justice for Women, Clinical Supervisor (Consulting), Boston, MA
Department of Correction, Technical Advisor (Consulting), MA & FL
Self Esteem Boston Educational Institute, Group Facilitator, Boston, MA
University of Massachusetts, Research, Suffolk County House of Correction, Boston, MA
U.S. Dept. of Justice – Bureau of Statistics Research - 1996 - 1997
Crime & Justice Foundation, Director of Female Offenders Services, Boston. Ma 1990-1997
Comprehensive Offender Employment Resource System (COERS)
Program Services Manager, Boston, MA 1990-1992
Social Worker, MCI-Framingham Prison, Framingham, MA. 1988-1990
COERS/American Training Inc., Outreach Counselor/Advocate. Lawrence, MA 1987-1988
The Women’s Resource Center, Co-Director, Haverhill, MA 1983-1987
Licensed Alcohol & Drug Clinician – Advanced Level-LADC, Massachusetts
MA Certified Co-Occurring Disorders Professional
Nationally Certified Forensic Counselor
MA Certified Criminal Justice Addictions Professional
Volunteer-- Rosie’s Place-Boston (Newsletter Spring 2013)
Volunteer --Women’s Lunch Place (Newsletter Nov. 2012)
Behavioral Health Responder to Major Disasters
Human Rights Advisory Committee, Baldpate Hospital-Massachusetts
Notary Public
Criminal Justice Policy Coalition, Member
Massachusetts Correctional Legal Services, former member Board of Directors
Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy, University of MA, Boston, Advisory Panel
National Association of Forensic Counselors, member
American Correctional Association, Member, Programs for Female Offenders
Massachusetts Coalition of Women in Prison, former Vice President, BostonMassachusetts Women and Substance Abuse Task Force, DPH, former member, Boston, MA
- Co-founded The Women’s Resource Center, one of the first centers in Massachusetts assisting victims of Domestic Violence developing and staffing of 24 hr. crisis hotline.
- Founded Project WISH, nationally recognized non-residential intermediate sanctions program to reduce the criminality of drug-dependent women involved in prostitution; program has been successfully replicated in Florida.
- Designed and implemented the first workshop series for women in the sex industry, to provide insight into the self destructive behavior of prostitution.
- Developed and implemented gender-specific services for nonviolent offenders under community supervision at the Crime and Justice Foundation’s Metropolitan Day Reporting Center.
- Developed and coordinated reintegration services for female prisoners through a statewide ex-offender employment resource program (COERS).
- Nationally recognized specialist and presenter on female offender issues, including community corrections, prostitutions cycles and abuse, alternatives to incarceration, and substance abuse.
- Authored numerous publications pertinent to women in conflict with the law.
- Provided criminal justice consulting services on female offender issues to state agencies and non-profits in Mass, Florida and Maine.
- Implemented cutting edge sex offender treatment for female perpetrators. MCI-Framingham Prison.
- Developed and implemented Clinical protocol for the Essex County, Pre-Release Facility, Maris Center, Residential Sober Housing.
- Authored and © (6) six workshop series, designed to enhance the treatment issues faced by individuals with histories of criminality and addictions.
- Designed (14) Professional Staff Trainings.
- Vision Beyond Survival. Private Outpatient Practice. Newburyport, Massachusetts
- Authored and © (10) topics in an Elder Lecture Series, presented throughout New England in Assisted Living & Nursing Home communities.
- Authored and © (14) Staff Development Trainings, presented throughout New England in Assisted Living & Nursing Home Communities.
- Identify cutting edge gender-specific criminal justice issues and trends, and promote awareness through conference presentations, community forums, news media, and publications
- Develop cost-effective, consumer-driven solutions to controversial and previously unaddressed problems.
- Ability to build culturally diverse constituencies among community leader, law enforcement, courts, corrections and service providers to support and participate in creative, effective solutions.
Program Development and Implementations
- Research causes of female offender’s recidivism to determine need for new programs; identify model programs to fill service gaps.
- Design and implementation of sex offender treatment for female and male pedophiles.
- Develop realistic program goals and objectives with work plans and time lines.
- Hire, train and supervise managers, legal advocates, counselors, student interns, and volunteers.
Technical Assistance and Training
- Deliver dynamic, engaging, clear presentations enhanced by effective use of audio visual materials and handouts.
- Create non-judgmental, safe environment in which to facilitate highly interactive discussion that successfully provides insight into the issues related to female criminality.
- Conduct training on addictions, incest, sexual assault, self-injurious behavior, and violence towards women with culturally and professionally diverse audiences including medical professionals, criminal justice staff, and human service providers.
- Provide technical assistance to State Agencies and non-profits to reduce recidivism by identifying female offender needs and service gaps and assisting in securing resources.
- Conduct holistic assessments (including childhood trauma, criminal history, substance abuse, medical condition etc.)
- Develop individualized service plans to decrease recidivism by addressing needs for employment training and placement, family reunification, housing, and drug treatment; coordinate statewide services to insure implementation of plan.
- Provide advocacy and individual counseling including guided mediation and visual image therapy to culturally diverse females aged 14-70 in conflict with the law; facilitate support groups and conduct workshops for similar populations
- Provide sex offender treatment for females and males in the community in collaboration with various Department of Corrections and parole/probation departments.